
What is HackerFoodies? It's encouraging people to enjoy quality food and/or drinks while meeting new people.

There is an online cooking show #UnicornChef hosted by Bryson Bort!

HackerFoodies embrace all types of food and drinks - have you heard of FizzyCon? Read the instructions if you want to throw a room party at a con, meet some fantastic new people, drink interesting things, and still make it to the first talk the next morning- without a hangover! FizzyCon brings together people over an amazing and fun assortment of drinks, without alcohol.

Is there a limit to how many #HackerFoodies events can occur at the same time? No! There can be more than one (as many as desired) events going on at a time, the only requirements are someone running point by picking a location, and time and invites others!

Feel free to try and encourage use of the calendar below, and use of the hashtag #HackerFoodies to form groups of hackers who love food & meeting new people over a drink or a meal. 

Email me to get to be an admin of the calendar circuitswan at gmail

Want to publish an event here? I use Google calendar 


Contact me to get editor rights. @CircuitSwan

Editors please add events (time, location, website, Organizer Twitter/Contact) - you are inviting people to meet new friends and try new food, by adding an event you are organizing it!